Still Standing Strong


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Still Standing Strong

It takes courage to stand in the midst of adversity and uncertainty. But Mieyatta Malone has endured, mastered and triumphed over the enemy with a great victory! And her story tells it all! Still Standing Strong will empower you to not only stand in the midst of your storm but to also stay connected to the Vine. Her faith in God and the power of His word is evident in this incredible testimony. I would encourage you to please read and share with others.

As a speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur, Mieyatta Malone empowers audiences to overcome self-limiting thoughts of doubt and fear by giving strategic, spiritual steps to help them ultimately reach their goals and take on each day with authority and power.  Many Individuals have been impacted by her relevant, relational, and riveting message of unleashing your personal power to excel at your next level.